Lerica and the Environment
We accept responsibility for the impact our operations might have on the local and global environment and are committed to reducing them.
We are currently striving to:
Minimise waste by ensuring we are as environmentally sensitive as possible
Dispose of waste safely and responsibly
Minimise carbon emissions by discouraging the use of private vehicles and increased use of low carbon transport
Reduce the impact of business travel by using low carbon transport for meetings both locally and nationally
Actively promote reuse and recycling within our office, and encourage the adoption of similar principles by our clients and suppliers
Raise staff awareness of environmental issues and enlist their support in achieving our aims
Increase IT software reliance over the last two years to enable being a paperless office
Reduce resource consumption by now being as paperless as possible
Adopt the practice of purchasing and reworking used equipment rather than new where possible
Encourage sustainable commuting transport choices
Become Carbon Literate by 2026
Measure and understand how Lerica impacts the environment by calculating our organisational carbon footprint and setting goals to improve from this baseline by 2027
Creating an environmental action plan to reduce carbon emissions of Lerica
Reach our target of being Carbon Zero by 2030
This statement will be reviewed every year with our next review due in January 2025.